Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Black White Red

Have you ever noticed that when people think of Chanel they think of black and white? and when they think of Dior they think of black white and green? And when people mention Valentino they have to give credit to Valentino Red? I was noticing this recently. Most major designers have a color scheme that seems to be set to work best on a black and white television screen. Their design is not so much about color as it is shape and expressing something new with fabric unlike newer designers who seem to take old ideas and combine them with new colors and only alter them slightly. This bothers me.
I think that the way they "design" should be more of just that. More design. Less copying. We should keep things simple. Keep things Black White and red. Not so busy and frilly and bright. Clothes, in short, should not make you impressed because of the busyness of the compilation but because they are simple and because of that simplicity they are beautiful.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I have noticed that when people who design clothing draw models, they do not draw their faces. Question: does this make the clothing more important than the person that wear's it? Or does it make the people that present the clothing lower status than the people who buy the clothing? Either way, I don't agree. At least, I didn't until I started sketching my ideas.

When I began to have to get to my notebook before I lost my bright dot of inspiration I realized that its not that the designers don't care about the people inside, I mean, it IS still all about the clothes, but when you spend your days looking at what people wear, their face fades out of your focus. So these great designers are not leaving the people faceless to snub them or because they just don't care, they do this because this is what they see in people. Every article of clothing, every garment, is a tribute to that persons soul.

Clothing is not an art form, or a statement, or even a hobby. Clothing is a reflection of your beliefs, and your mind and what you're like inside. At least, that is what I have come to believe.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The point of this blog

The point of this blog is to convey my extreme love for fashion design to the world. My name is Kate. I design clothing. I make my designs. I show what I make, and here, on this blog, I would like to share what I do with anybody out in the world who may stumble across this blog.

I got the idea to make this blog from my mom's friends daughter... it was a little obscure but she told me about a 13 year old girl who had a n interest for fashion that the world was holding on to. She told me that with all my passion I should share it with a wider range of people than my sewing teacher, my tutor, my family, and any of my dedicated friends who may or may not care to listen to my rants.

Every day I will try and post either a small entry or a photo. Eventually I may have to do it weekly but for now this is entry one.